AWS CLI in Windows – How to connect

Amazon doesn’t have a simple guide on how to do this so here we go!

First, you must download and install the AWS CLI for Windows, you can download that by clicking here.

Once installed, you can open Windows Powershell or a Command Prompt and run the following commands to connect to your AWS account:

aws configure
Access Key ID: Your Access ID
Secret access key: Your Secret Access Key
Default region name [None]: us-east-1 (or whatever region is your default)
Default output format [None]: json

Should look something like this:

That’s it! Now you’re connected to your AWS environment and can run commands against it. As a note, you can find your Access ID and your secret access key under users in your IAM (Identity and Access Management).

Dell OMSA Email Notifications

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator does not have a built-in way to send email alerts if you don’t have an iDRAC system. This guide is a way for those systems to still send you alerts about the server hardware. If you have a system with an iDRAC, please use this guide:

Dell iDRAC – Configuring Email notifications

If your system does not have an iDRAC or it’s not configured and you still want to get alerts through Openmanage then please follow this guide:

-Dell Server with OpenManage Installed
-Microsoft .Net Frameworks v2.0 (Download Here)
-DellSMTPNotify Application (Download Here)
-DellSMTPNotify Alert List (Download Here)

Installation – Part I:
Extract files to C:\DellSMTPNotify
Edit Config.xml and configure DefaultEventSettings to your SMTP server.

Now we are going to test the SMTP settings by running the script. Open command prompt and navigate to
C:\DellSMTPNotify. Then type the following: “DellSMTPNotify.exe 1“.
DellSMTPNotify associates numbers to messages. Looking at config.xml, you can customize the messages. In this
case, “1” would send message “Message from server: Watchdog ASR”.

You should have received an email alert. If you didn’t receive an email, check your SMTP settings in config.xml.

Installation – Part II:
Now that we have our DellSMTPNotify.exe working properly with our SMTP settings. We can now get it to work with Dell OpenManage.
Login to Dell OpenManage and navigate to Alert Management

Under Alert Actions, select Watchdog ASR.

Under “Set Alert Actions for Watchdog ASR”, enable “Execute application.” In the whitebox, place the Abolute patch to DellSMTPNotify.exe with code to Watchdog ASR. The code for Watchdog ASR is 1, and would place the following “D:\DellSMTPNotify.exe 1“.

Now we have setup email alert for Watchdog ASR. We will have to do the same thing for the rest of the alerts.