Time and NTP issues after migrating bare metal to HyperV – Fixed!

A while ago I migrated a Windows Server running AD from bare-metal to HyperV using Disk2VHD, everything went without a hitch as it has always done, it’s a great little tool btw and has saved me so much time and hassle.

Fast-forward to a week later and I’m getting calls from the customer reporting that the time on their computers are off. Logged into the AD and ran a w32tm query command to check what NTP server it was synchronizing with (w32tm /query /status) and found that it was not syncing with any NTP server that I was familiar with:

I suspected that this may have something to do with the HyperV migration and was digging through the VM settings in HyperV and found a setting under Integration Services for Time synchronization that was enabled; it was causing the AD to sync to the HyperV host instead of the NTP server it was previously syncing with. So, step1 of the fix was to disable this setting:

Step2 was to set the AD to sync with a NTP server again, Microsoft has a guide on how to do this here:


Back in business!

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